Can you run a report by email unsubscribe date?

I would like to run a report to find the dates that customers unsubscribed from our emails. After doing a little testing, I realized the “last modified date” option is not indicative of when people unsubscribed. Any ideas? Thanks!

I would like to know the answer to this question. I am looking for a report that shows when my wine club members have unsubscribed to our emails.

We pulled a report to see our Active and On Hold Club Members and the email status for most said “Unsubscribed”. The last modified date is just when they last ordered. I can kind of pin point a general range of where they may have unsubscribed based on the emails we sent and if they received it or not. But I would like to know how I can find exactly which email they unsubscribed from or what day they unsubscribed. Thank you.

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