
Supposing one uses 3rd party programs for some of their emails, and the unsubscribe process on Vin65 is not integrated with said programs.

Any tips on any of these?

  1. Can I be emailed when someone unsubscribes? (and which website they did it from)
  2. Can I see when people unsubscribed and use list builder to find unsubscribers during a period (e.g. since I last ran it)


What EMS are you using?

Seems irrelevant to the question, but since you ask, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, paperless Post, Vino Visit, etc. Whatever does the particular job the best. It isn’t a 1:1 relationship of mailing list to website.

Well, tsartoris, the reason I asked is because some companies have integrations with certain EMS providers that can sync your unsubscribes. But I suppose that wouldn’t be relevant, would it?

Didn’t mean that rudely, sorry. The question isn’t about syncing them, it’s about how to work with not syncing them. I know how to do it but I have to keep using people I’ve already known were unsubscribers. i.e. export them, import as unsubscribers before a mailing.

Which ones do vin65 sync with easily?