That is what I would want and I would want those fields available outside the club processing area so I can easily send to different groups. I have said this in another request, but would like to see us move all emailing to one place and get away from emailing sometimes in the club area, sometimes in the action menu area, sometimes in the list builder area, etc.
@MarkCrapeau@EdFarmCollective I decided to try doing it piecemeal with available tags, and it IS possible to reasonably customize a ClubBlob within club processing. The only things you can’t show are the birthdate and shipping phone/email (which are irrelevant anyway).
I didn’t realize that //CreditCardInfo// only posts the type and the last four. No name, but also no expiry. //ClubBlob// also has no expiry, however.
@Karson one thing I noticed when trying this is that the //Phone// tag does not format the phone number, it just spits out the numbers, like 20998765432. Could we get that tweaked at least?