Club within a club? Club Membership Restrictions?

Hi everyone - is there a way to restrict club memberships to certain individuals? We want to offer a special limited club, but only make it available to existing wine club members.

Can WD do this?


A Club within a Club? Clubception?

All jokes aside, I don’t believe this is possible if you want to offer it online.

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Right. I imagine you could just not make it available online and offer it to whoever you want, but you’ll have to hand sell it.

I’m not sure if this is what you are thinking of but we created a new club that we offered to a select group of wine club members.

What we did was pull a report of current active club members, for the club we wanted to created they needed to have a lifetime value over X amount of dollars or have been a club member for X amount of years. Once we narrowed down the club members, we sent them an email blast inviting them to join the club explaining their new perks if they switch over (i.e. discount change, flat rate shipping, etc).

Once they reached out that they wanted to join the new club, we essentially “cancelled” their old membership and then put them in the new club.

Sweet idea! I sense Chris was looking for a way to restrict customer access digitally for online enrollment.

Just looking at your website @ChrisCobb and since WineDirect is your CMS, you might be able to get away with it. Basically, create a hidden page on your website and use page Security to restrict access to the existing member types or contact types you want to give access. Then you can email them a direct link to this hidden page, they’ll have to log in to access it, but then can click through a sign-up link there to enroll online.

It wouldn’t be 100% airtight, but I bet you can pull off what you’re looking for.