Event Ticket Pricing on Website for Club Members

I need a little guidance. I was testing out a ticket purchase on our website and I was able to purchase a wine club ticket for an event when I wasn’t logged in as a club member. While we haven’t had any non-member purchase a ticket, we are growing our event and want to make sure this does not occur. Can I use the security feature for one of two SKU’s for an event Ticket product?

Can you set up so only members get a promo price? That’s a lot easier.

I am trying to figure out how to do that and this is what looks like it should work but when I go to the website and log in as a club member, it is still at the retail price.

Hi there,

For our member events, we set it up as an allocation and then under “Members - Contact Types & Clubs”, you can select the clubs to limit the products that are within this allocation to only the selected clubs/contact types. That way, the website should prompt someone to log in to their member account before allowing them to buy tickets.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Are you sure you should be using price levels, and not a promo?

Even Wine Direct suggests you don’t use price levels.

Please back away from the price levels. Do what you need to do to stop using them. Then set up a $5 off promo for the ticket SKU in question. Only club members will get the club price then.

I tell my members what the limit is (if any) and they seem to be okay with following the rules. I very rarely have an issue, and even then it’s only by 1 or 2 tickets.

Leanne,on your product page on the right colum you can click on manage secrurity and you can select who you would like to give these discount do. Contact types etc. you can program it so that club members only will see it if they log in.

Thanks Bumgarner…I might swing by tomorrow with our Ipad to get a tutorial!

Sure thing, come on by. We’re open!