Commission on wine sales

Not Vin65 related, but wanting input from the hive-mind. We want to start giving commission for wine sales. Does anyone else do this and how do you structure it? Bonus points for tips on tracking/calculating commissions using Vin65. Thanks!!

There are plenty of ways to crack this egg. My recommendation is to keep it really simple and straight-forward. I’ve seen a lot of over-engineered commission structures that were too smart for their own good.

Are you thinking of doing it individually or by group? Tasting Room sales or all DTC?

That’s what I was thinking… we want to do individual. Since it’s new I’m exploring if it should be straight percent of sales or percent of sales after a certain goal is met or something?

Rad. You’ll be able to pull that off with the Sales Summary By Associate report. It’ll be really easy for you to calculate and your awesome staff to keep track of where they are (which is a great motivator).

Commission thresholds are effective, but they can also introduce additional complexities. You’ll have to maintain evolving monthly/quarterly goals for both your full-time and part-time folks. If you go that route, I’d start off and make sure the thresholds are achievable and then gradually bump it up.

Great advice! Thanks! I like the idea of it being easy for them to check their own progress. I definitely don’t want to make it too complicated. Any idea what percentages are common? We’re not a very big winery but have decent volume. I want to make sure the commission is enough to be a motivator but not so much that we’re giving away the store.

There are a lot of variables to consider including their existing base compensation and commission opportunities (Wine Club/mailing list sign-ups), your budget and just how generous you’re willing to be. You could start with a max bonus figure you’ve budgeted to pay out and then determine the % based on that.

Ah! Great idea! I needed some direction since this is so new to us. I really appreciate the help.

I ran the sales by associate report and it gives me all sales and I can’t zero in on the department of Wine. Short of running a Sales Detail X and adding up all of the orders individually, is there a simpler way?

A pivot table makes very quick work of this.

thanks to a quick google search I just learned how to do a pivot table! Thanks for the help Jeff! That gave me exactly what I wanted.

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You’re most welcome, it’s an easy way to get things done.

If you are using the beta reports, be sure to delete the “Totals” line before you do any pivot-tabling, it could confuse your results.