Content Block Upload File

I’d like to suggest that the Content Block file upload element type be modified/updated to take more file types. Currently, it looks like there’s no way to simply have users upload video files. The modern web includes video, and it would be much easier for winery users to upload videos directly.

mp4, webm, and mov files (for download on trade pages) should cover it.

This would probably be a relatively easy change in permissions. I understand it would need to be global across Wine Direct.

Hi @denner_dev! Thanks for sharing your suggestions. If you’ll kindly check out, you’re welcome to add this recommendation to the ideas board. WineDirect Ideas is a place for our users to suggest new features and vote for the ones you’d most like to see added to our suite of tools. The more votes an idea gets, the more likely our team is to make it happen!

Some feedback on your idea board. Perhaps it would be helpful to give a more formal update on how that thing is going. I know WineDirect will sometimes sneak in a “planned” badge to an idea, but maybe a quarterly update would help in your effort to increase transparency.

I know with some of my colleagues, it’s viewed as just the new place our idea suggestions go to die.

Thanks for the feedback! We definitely do want to continue being more transparent about which features we work on and why. To keep you in the loop when we make updates that originated in the Ideas forum, we make a point of noting it on the New Features blog.

Here are some recent changes that came out of Ideas. (In prioritizing which ideas are worked on and when, we evaluate not only the number of votes, but also how a feature will impact all of our clients’ workflow - and the resources available on our team to accomplish the work.)

  • Bottle exchanges + refund related improvements
  • Restaurant tool improvements: Resume Orders modal updates, the addition of notes for food sent to prep areas, additional information on receipts/ tickets, etc.
  • Cloning products
  • Misc POS improvements: Reducing steps to scan items, displaying compliance errors, allow membership updates to credit cards from the POS.

There isn’t an exact formula yet for which items get completed, but we carefully review all ideas submitted and do our best to make impactful improvements for you.

So far, we’ve completed work for 56 Ideas that had 275 votes, we have items totalling 105 votes built, but currently in testing, and there are exciting developments in the works such as being able to schedule emails.

Understood, but people will stop posting their ideas if they think the idea board has been abandoned. WineDirect should show users the direct causation between the idea board and some of the new features.


I see you, fam. Now go deeper.