Are we able to turn off the system email notifying customers that their card has been automatically updated?
Not at this time. If you’d like to see this feature, please submit it here and describe why you’d like to turn them off:
I was wondering… does anyone here get updater emails from any other business they order from? I’m pretty slutty with my cards, and I don’t get any updater emails…
I’ve only noticed one company do this updater thing, and that was Netflix. They did not notify me at all, and I was 100% ok with it.
Personally, I find sending an email unnecessary and has the potential to cause more confusion than anything else.
Like @ElJefe I’m rather promiscuous with my card and have never once been notified about a card update that I can recall. I do think if my bank is giving another company my card info that some level of notification is a nice courtesy. I don’t know that I agree with having the choice to turn it off. It does cause confusion when my email with a subject line that includes the text “Your card has been updated” has a message in the body populated from the card updater saying there was no update made.
The most surprising thing to me about the entire experience with the card updater is that nobody has a problem with it, talks about it, or replies to the emails. I get the occasional reply thanking me for updating their card!
Amazon also uses these services and does not notify the client.
I like having the option and we’ll continue to use it because I like being transparent.
I just enabled the updater today, so it’s good to hear that customers don’t have an issue with the emails. Thanks for your feedback.
Transparent. Interesting, I didn’t think about it like that. It’s a good reason.
I will say this, we rephrased the verbiage to make it seem like it’s a feature of convenience. We securely updated it so you didn’t have to. Which is true.
The default verbiage is definitely a bit confusing, I like the way you phrase it.
Yes, I strongly urge you to rewrite the default in your own voice. That helps a LOT!
Ugg, the updater sends the notification emails even when updates don’t happen. It sends the following text when cards fail. Maybe we could have a different notification email for failures? Quite a few (rightfully) confused customers.
We weren’t able to update your Visa card number ************1111 for some reason, please contact us to update your payment information.
Since you just switched it on I think your getting that initial rush. But talk to support.
You should definitely take control of your text. Be familiar with the possible messages and even make a little fun of them being written by a computer. That goes a long way towards reduced drama.
Here is the problem…even in our own words our Club Members are not the most internet savvy group and they are already on edge about having people have their credit cards which is why I hate the notification email.
We did not send an email when we used the updater software on other platforms, and if Amazon/Netflix/Hulu do not send the email…we are in the wrong to be sending it. Follow the guys who spend millions on research and customer life time health.
We are not in the same category as any of these companies. As wineries we actually have a real relationship with our customers that Amazon etc. don’t have. You expect Amazon to behave that way, but when one of my customers has a complaint they know how to get me on the phone or show up to voice it. They will do it. And my customers know that there are plenty of other wineries that also make good wine right down the road that would be glad to sell it to them. Amazon and Netflix don’t have hundreds (and hundreds) of competitors who are trying as hard as they are.
I want/need my customers to trust my winery more than they trust Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu. So it’s up to me and my staff to have the kind of relationship with them so that when they aren’t that great at internetting my customers still know I’m not trying to screw them and that I can help them understand the situation. I agree that the card email is not perfect mainly from the example you cited, but I value the transparency that it represents and it is a small price to pay for a very effective tool.
Hi all – good news! We’ve added an option to disable the customer notification emails. Details and instructions are here: