Duplicating a product

Is it possible to duplicate a product? We are releasing a new vintage of a wine, most other specs are same as previous. Do I need to create a new product or can I simply duplicate and edit a previous product?


That is, unless you have several product tabs open in an edit state at once, am I right @Sean? (known bug)

There are a couple sorta kinda ways. You can export your products, which means exporting at least a Department’s worth since you can’t ask for one SKU. Then extract and edit the item you want to duplicate. Then import it as a new product.

Or, open a text editor. Go to the last vintage and copy/paste all of the text blocks you care about. Then create the new product and paste in the text blocks and edit. For extra credit, click the Source button in the editor and copy/paste HTML. :wink:

Thank you! Super helpful!


Dual monitors. It’s one of those things where you already know if you’re that type of person or not, but I can’t live without it in situations like this.

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