Products appear duplicated on website

Is anyone else finding their website to have duplicate products?
Products were setup 1x only.
Vin65 claimed due to several “save” may resulted to duplicate products on the website.
i’m having a difficulty wrapping my head around that excuse. Preposterous.

Usually this happens when you have multiple product tabs open and they are in edit states simultaneously.

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Somewhere in the docs - or the lore - it is said that having multiple tabs open is a bad idea. I know it says this for running club processing but it really applies in general (so I was told a while ago).

Keep different browsers handy for those times when you really need two windows open.

Lore is correct, though in a very particular way. I noticed that trying to work on two different websites is doable on two different siteadmin servers, but if you are on the same one it will force you to one site (for good reason) and as long as you are editing separate things (Like contacts and products) the system does not seem to have too much issue with multiple tabs. Not brave enough to have two tabs doing the same thing though. :no_mouth: