Editing SCSS Files

Hi there,

I’m new to Wine Direct, and have just started to experiment with v65-esque development. My only question at this point is that when I try to edit the scss partials in the assets folder (specifically the _variables.scss and _footer.scss) any changes I make don’t seem to get reflected on our sandbox site.

Is the process as simple as editing and uploading one of the scss files? I assume perhaps they get processed on the Wine Direct side? I did try editing the screen.min.css file to force the change - and that did work - but it’s not an ideal way of working, as i’d prefer to use scss.

Could someone please advise a best practice, or let me know what i’m doing wrong?


Have you parsed the files in the Admin Panel?

WineDirect servers are not setup to parse SCSS files. You’ll need to download the assets, make your changes and process the SCSS files locally, and then upload the CSS files.

Here are some resources that might be helpful if you’re new to SCSS:

If you prefer not to work in the terminal to compile SCSS and are on a Mac, give https://codekitapp.com/ a try (I think there’s a free trial)


Thanks for your replies all, you’re right I just needed to compile my own scss files locally then upload the compiled and minified css file. Thanks!