Email opt-in during ipad/POS checkout?

I’m sorry if I missed it, but is there an “opt-in to newsletter” checkbox available, or some other form of opting-in a customer during checkout at the POS? Preferably at the tip/signature screen?

I’ve been looking for this too. I was told there wasn’t one…let’s see what they say here?

There was a fair amount of discussion on this either here or back on facebook.

I have out this in as a feature request. It is absolutely needed. When you are busy it is hard to add the person as a contact, then go in to Manage Contacts, then to Contact Types, and then select “Newsletter”, and then go back to the POS. We often think, oh we will do it once the transaction is complete, but that is often missed.

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Not currently available, unfortunately. However, this is definitely something that is on our radar.