Emailing event attendees

We’d like to send a reminder a few days before events and be able to easily send emails with event updates to attendees. Is there an easy way to do this? I thought using list builder with the sku of the event in the product options would give the the list of attendees but refunded and cancelled tickets are still in that list. Does anyone know a best practice for doing this?

Refunding/returning tickets does not cancel them, they still show up in reports and list builder. If you cancel the order the tickets do go away. It’s a bug they aren’t interested in fixing so you’ll have to workaround it. All I can think of to suggest is to create a temporary Contact Type called something like “20160827eventticketscanceled” and set that type for those canceled people, then exclude that type in your list.

I thought of that and was afraid that would be the answer. It sounds like it will be extra steps that may get missed.

While we’re talking about contact types, is there an easy (bulk) way of getting rid of “temporary” contact types? I don’t have to go into each contact and remove it, do I?

If you mark the contact type as deletable, you can remove it without deleting or altering the contacts. It’s very quick and easy.


Exactly, just delete when you are finished.

I did this last week with easy success. I just ran a report of who had purchased my ticket skus, and in my excel file I deleted those contacts who had refunds on that SKU. Then I pasted the email addresses into the Customer Importer Sample file and in the Contact Type column the name of a new contact type I had just created. Upload and it’s done.

Feature request:
Implement RSVP mechanics so that you can also easily email attendees for non-ticketed events. Or email those that haven’t RSVPd yet, etc.