Event Ticket plus bottle

We would like to sell tickets to an evening event, but make it so that when costumers purchase tickets online, they must select a bottle to purchase as well that we will have set aside for them to enjoy at the event. What is the best way to go about this? Product sets?

Thank you!

I’m interested in the answer to this question as well

Hi - unfortunately, there isn’t a way to handle this scenario you are describing at this time. Using Product Sets could work to force your customers to add a Wine Bottle to the Cart but your customer will have the ability to remove the Wine Bottle from the Cart page once they are on that page. We don’t have a way to enforce a mandatory Wine Bottle to be in the cart, in order for an Event Ticket to be purchasable.

We would recommend submitting a feature request to our product team to have this functionality added here: https://documentation.vin65.com/News-Release/Request-a-Feature

Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the current limitation!

thank you so much for the explanation and feedback!