It would be great to be able to export a list of people who have not picked up their club, from the orders section, into a CSV file so we can ensure we have all clubs packed up.
You can!! Use Sales Detail X. Choose your order type(s) - Club etc. - as appropriate. Choose order status Completed. Set shipping to “Not Picked Up”. And whatever you want to see in the report output columns.
As an added bonus using Sales Detail X you get a listing of committed product. Have fun! - j
Thanks Jeff!! You rock!
We do what @ElJefe suggests, and we also run a sales by SKU report to double check that we have all the wines in the quantities we need on-site for pickups.
Do you just run a “delete duplicates”?
Want to send emails to this customers out of Vin65.
My approach to this is:
- Create the Detail X Report
- Delete Duplicates
- Create a new contact type named “2017-01-05_OutstandingPickups” or whatever is appropriate and comes to mind
- Take the Customer Importer sample file, paste in only the email addresses and fill in the contact type in the appropriate columns
- Upload that through the Customer Importer to create the list, and send the email via Vin65 and SendGrid.
Then bone up on change pickup to ship(x) as you will still have a lot of customers that won’t come by and pick up.
Just by the way, if you do your club packages as bundles like I do, pickup to ship X has a known bug. The order goes through but you have to nurse it through ShipCompliant to get it to fulfillment.
ElJefe - hijacking thread. We’ve talked about this before but what are the pros and cons of using bundles for club shipment?
Maybe we should start a new one… but a few years ago I decided to switch to a fixed price club. This was before the advent of user choice. Really the only practical way to do a fixed price, is to do a bundle. Yes, you could adjust prices of the components to come out to the fixed price, but then you get confusion on how much the bottles cost.
Unfortunately the whole bundle thing gets unwieldy when you start allowing substitutions. If someone wants to swap a $30 bottle for a $50 bottle, what do I charge? And how do I do that for shipped orders that have to be communicated with fulfillment?
It would be really handy to be able to pull the outstanding will call list from within club processing or “the batch” itself. Then we could easily work with the data from only one individual run at a time vs. sorting through all outstanding orders.
Couple of thoughts here. First, I believe that all emails should come from the same place. I am not a fan of emailing from the club area or from action menu dropdowns as well as the contacts area. It is too confusing and too hard to train staff on where to go to send an email. Next, I would like to see an action menu item added that automatically creates a list and then you can process whatever email you need.So in the case, from the alerts dashboard area, you would select all or some portion of the list and then select email and a new list would be created.