Help with setting Up Tasting Fees

Unless I’m missing it in the documentation, is there anything to know about setting up tasting fees so that they can be waived for wine club members, and with purchase? I am planning to set up as a POS category and then enter the individual tasting flight charges. Do I then enter a promo for all of the reasons we would waive a tasting fee so that we can track it? Thanks Vin65 pros in advance for your input.

You can either:

  1. Setup separate tasting fee items for Non-Members and Members, the latter being $0, so you can track both.

  2. Setup a promo or automatic promo tied to Memberships that will discount the specific tasting to $0.

We use the former, as it’s easier to track for our internal dashboards. There’s a couple other approaches that might work as well, we find these to be the best.


See that’s why I asked you all before I set it up. I knew I would get good insight. Thank you.