Inventory - Realtime Tracking

Am looking to work on our Inventory and using VIN for real-time tracking.

Have a few questions:
How do you pull pick ups from warehouse/other inventory so it does not affect the Wine Shop Inventory? ie: Website orders pull from our warehouse inventory but are picked up in the Wine Shop so there is a variance

How are you ensuring the starting inventory is correctly pulling from specific locations?

I guess I want to start from the bottom and make sure that I set this up right. Any advice? Pros? Cons?


We maintain a separate place to keep wine for pickup orders. There is no way to account for it directly in Vin65, it’s sold wine. We account indirectly by printing a Sales Detail report of orders not picked up. Pulling sold wine from unsold inventory will make you crazy.

We don’t have the option of having a separate place to keep the wine that is sold online/phone other than our main warehouse - but they pick up in the wine shop. What I am thinking is having those pick up orders pull from a different location and at the end of each month doing a manual inventory transfer to balance that wine coming from the wine shop.

Whatever causes you the least pain is the right answer of course, but I think what you describe would mean you would only be able to take an accurate count of the shop once a month.