I am trying to find a way to search reports when a member upgrades to a new club level how to search it in reports. They are an existing member so nothing comes up with new member reports. Thank you
Depends. Are you creating a new subscription for them or are you changing their existing one?
We are changing their existing one.
There probably is something, but I’m unaware of a tool specifically for this. There’s probably something you can do in Excel. Are you changing the sign-up date too?
Here’s how I managed members who would switch memberships. In order to keep dates accurate, we would cancel the former club with a cancellation reason “switched clubs” then add the new club, along with the new start date. A good way to track the upgrade or switch on a report would be to determine a code or text (keep it simple and be consistent) and enter it into the source code of the membership - it could be “Upgrade” or “Switched Clubs” - it could be all caps or lower case. The source code is a filter and will pull on reports. I hope this makes sense!