Order Shipping Emails - What is the Status?

I see on the status page that order tracking emails are broken for the last month now.

I do appreciate this notification! But is there any more information? Estimated time to fix?

Additional question: If you’re integrating with Aftership, do you have any plans to offer our own integration with aftership? It would be nice to customize the tracking experience!

Hrm looks like this got bumped off the status page.

I see that these emails haven’t been sending since May 10th.

Does anyone have a workaround for this?

Hi there, we’ve been given the all-clear. Everyone should be able to refresh the tracking status results for orders within the Admin panel. We are truly sorry if you were affected by this issue. We will do all we can to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

Yay! Thank you!!!

Hi @kari.scott, does this mean that ship tracking emails sent to customers now will also go to live shipping tracking?

Hi @john5, Yes - the ‘Your Order Has Shipped’ email contains a link for the customer to access the live tracking page for their order.