Package redirection

I’ve had 3 members today login, create an address book entry, and assume that this would redirect their package to the new address.

Did something change? Or is Mercury still retrograde?

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This is one that keeps me up at night. And according to

That may account for the weirdness …
Mercury turns direct at 1:30 AM EDT (North America) on September 22, 2016

Regardless of Mercury’s position, should there be some ability to lock an account during club processing in the system? We get this all the time. We do use Choice Clubs and we can turn off the ability to make changes to selections, I am wondering if we need something like that for other account changes as well. Do you pass along redirect charges?

That seems draconian. What if they want to send a gift during club?

I do not pass along charges. I accept that I will have some number of these each time. I haven’t noticed any repeats, I don’t have any problem children, so I let it go.

Here’s another reason not to, you never know why there is an issue. From my email this evening:

“Sorry…house burned down we are 4 doors down…205… thx…”