PayPal as an new tender type

“We would like to implement PayPal as a tender type for this holiday season. Any of you that are interested in participating in this project please contact Rose Kelley at This is a project that must be paid for so please contact Rose only if you are interested in splitting the programming cost. We are hoping to gather enough customers interested in adding PayPal as a tender option to make the cost per winery minimal and well worth the value. Time is of the essence in order to have this in place no later than November 1st. We only have one week to get this in Vin65’s programming calendar for this year.”

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Who told you about this program calendar deadline?

Hello, myself and our Director of Direct to Consumer have been in conversation with Brent at Bin 65 to see what the process would be in order to get this tender type implemented for this holiday season.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or you would be interested in partaking in this project.

Thank you Rosie

Just curious why you want PayPal so much?

Customers have asked for it in the past and we are hoping that it would help boast sales for the holiday season.