Pickup to Ship Best Practices

How are wineries with a substantial (500+) amount of remaining will call orders handling the shipping conversion?

My concerns are –

Account changes are not taken in to account.
For example, the club member is charged on March 1st. They move on March 31st and update their address on file. June 15th is the pick-up deadline and we use one of the tools below to ship their wine. Even though the new address is now on file the shipping order reflects what was on file back on March 1st.

The Your Order has shipped! notification email goes out immediately without tracking data. For some reason, this only seems to occur when using the tools below. It is very confusing for the customer.

Change Pickup to Ship
If a shipping order charge declines, the will call is credited but the order still reflects ready for pick-up. There is no Download button in the Orders tab so there is not an “easy” way (that I know of) to find and correct these orders.

Change Pickup to Ship X
The difference in taxes between where the wine would have been picked-up and where it was delivered are reflected as adjustments in prior reporting periods (if using ShipCompliant integration).

I had thought that pickup to ship used the current billing or (if there is one) the Primary shipping address. This not true?

We have the same issue of unpicked up orders. I’ll tell you what we do instead, maybe it will help you or someone…

Up here in the hills where a great number of our pickup members are on PO boxes, getting a good shipping address is almost impossible. And we learned early on that blindly shipping to a home up here after the deadline was an exercise in managing returned packages and angry customers. So:

After 90 days/pickup “deadline”, we reserve the right to substitute a later vintage or equal value wine. This avoids the storage issue.

After 3 orders are not picked up, we may put your account on hold until you respond to our requests to pick up your orders. This avoids getting two years into unpicked up orders…

If you request it, we will ship. I will even be a nice guy and consolidate multiple orders, just don’t make a habit of it.

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Hi Jeff,
I tested this on a will call order made via the admin panel and the new account info (address) was used for the new shipping order. However, I just tested the will call to ship on another will call order created via club processing and the account changes (address and CC) were NOT used. This seems very strange to me because if the primary card for the account and club has been updated, then that would mean that Vin65 is pulling the address and credit card data from the original will call order and only IF it was created via club processing. I get that for the will call credit, but the new shipping order should use the current account info.

I would think that too.

I just got bit by this. The sequence:

  • I run will call orders
  • Will call customer contacts us to update their billing address
  • Later, the same customer requests that their will call order be shipped to the new billing address
  • I processed the pickup to ship X without realizing it wouldn’t use the current address (actually I didn’t even know there had been an update, someone else handled it)
  • Thankfully, the customer caught it right away so I could cancel the order.

@carisenr @zach @Josh or someone, what should I have done differently?

As I understand it, the system will use the billing address if it is the only address on file. If there are other addresses, like shipping addresses in the system, the system will only use them if they are the “primary” address. I have been requesting this for a while but every customer should have an address on file that is their primary shipping address. Most systems today, have you check a box to use the billing address for the shipping address and it will auto-populate. I end up opening every account and researching whether the customer has a shipping address and also will look at past order history to see where we have shipped and then make the appropriate address their primary address before doing the flip process. It is incredibly labor intensive and creates numerous problems for manually missing the issue.

In my prior systems, all customers had a primary shipping address and if they wanted to pickup their order, it was just a flag on the account. The orders still printed their shipping address but showed the indicator. This has been requested in the past as well.

My situation is different. There was only one address on file when the order was placed, the billing address. Call it 123 Main St.

After the order was placed, customer updated their billing address, and then requested we ship to the billing address. There is still only one address on file. Call this one 456 Elm Dr.

When I did the pickup to ship, the system did NOT use the billing address on file, the system used the billing address on the order. It was sent to 123 Main not 456 Elm.

This is not an atypical case. People who do pickup may move farther away and change to ship and want us to ship their last pickup to their new address, not the address when the order was placed.

Maybe @carisenr @zach @Josh or someone could answer, what should I do? Should I copy the new billing address to a shipping address and make that Primary? Or will it make any difference?

Can you test something? If you were to add the address to the address book and make it the “primary” address, would the system use the correct address? If yes, this is what I am saying about every account needing a primary shipping address. My guess is that there is some partial coding in how this works and the system is not checking for a new or updated address like it should but rather than fix it that way, we should force every account to have a primary shipping address.

Yeah I could test it, but TL;DT (Too Long; Didn’t Test)…

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I tested changing the “primary” shipping address and it did not work. The system seems to only be referring to the original order instead of current account data.

That is very concerning. Please post a bug report to support. Sure would be great to have a searchable database of bugs like this. We are all spending too much time testing the system only to have the next person do same.

Vin65 must be doing something big, because other than @Brent on KPIs, there’s no one else here…

It feels like we’re always doing something big… but we encourage our staff to jump on the forum as well.

I vote for a Primary address required too! I hand check them all too. Royal Pain. And to add another thought. We reduced the volume of pickups by bombarding our customers who had not yet picked up with emails, postcards and phone calls. They usually get one form of communication. It did help reduce the amount of pickups we had to ship out.

@BChristensen we do that as well but this process is not scalable as it exists. The things that really differentiate a wine order management system are clubs, shipping, and compliance. If we didn’t have these things, we would all be using Square. These are the areas that really need the focus.


Totally agree.