POS Drivers License Swipe

Anybody out there using this feature with any success? I have the Magtek swiper connected to my ipad (clumsy) and I am on Add New Contact. I have a message Listening for Drivers License Swipe that just continues to buffer endlessly and doesn’t recognize my DL swipe,


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I’ve had the same problem. I swipe but nothing populates.

@nadine @shelley - This is often restricted by the issuing State of the Drivers License. Some States restrict information from being pulled through a card swipe.

I was able to find multiple articles online, which outlines which State allows what info to be pulled and news surrounding changes about these policies.

what’s it say for CA?

@nadine This was an article I found and it looks like CA is one of the most restrictive States for available information on license swipes: http://mantascode.com/us-drivers-license-barcode-attributes-by-state/

Hope this helps!

Anything on Illinois?