Has anyone else had orders being quarantined saying that unable to verify birthdate possibly due to an address change or something like that? These orders all have a valid birthdate in them that is of legal age, and the addresses are correct. There is nothing I can change in these orders to make them go through. Any help is much appreciated. If it was once I wouldn’t worry about it, but it’s been several orders in the last 10 days.
Several states require age verification against a database like LexisNexis. So what this likely means is it does not have a match in the database for that name and address combination.
You can go into ShipCompliant and add a new entry with this customer’s name and current address. I would also recommend only using one name per account for these states as well. “Jim and Nancy Smith” are going to fail the database batch every time, so just do “Jim Smith” or “Nancy Smith.”
this is most likely a sting by liquor control agencies. Be careful not to ship those orders until you get a copy of the license.
I wouldn’t say it’s “most likely” a sting. It’s possible, but this typically is due to a new address or incorrect spelling/syntax in the customer name. Though, to your point, you are required to have verified the address in one of several ways before you can submit the new combination to LexisNexis.
Thanks Ed. That would make sense in that it’s not all of the orders, it’s Michigan and Ohio orders primarily and it just started recently. So many of our guests give us bogus birthdates I’m going to have to have the team require that shipping orders from the tasting room have a valid birthdate if they want their orders shipped. I appreciate the input. I didn’t realize that was part of ship compliant until now. I’ve gotten address errors but not birthdate issues. And the second name is not frequent for us but I will keep that in mind for shipping orders that quarantine.