Age Verification

We are looking to add Arizona to the states we ship to, so I’ve been looking through the state regs regarding wine. One of them requires that you either have a copy of the purchaser’s license on file or that you verify their age by “using an age verification service.” Anyone have any experience with what qualifies as an age verification service? Are there any that are included with/integrate with vin 65?

Electronic Age Verification is offered through ShipCompliant. You can select to use LexisNexis ($.45 per check) or IDology ($.50 per check) databases.

It’s going to try to find a match down to first name/last name and address. If you keep a lot of contact files with two names in it, like “Sean and Carisen” in the first name field, these will often times fail, so best practice is one first name per contact only.



Hey Ed thanks for the response! Do you happen to know if You can restrict the use of the verification to only certain states? (IE can I have it used for Arizona and not for CA) Also, does this feature require the full use of ship compliant or can it be done on it’s own?

Yes, in fact it’s not even an option for the states that don’t require this form of age verification. For the ones that require it, you can also deactivate it as well. In the grand scheme of things, it will be a negligible cost to your business.