We have a lot of discussion on the refund process but one small change that would be helpful to us is to make the “Return” the default refund process. I suspect that most of the time when people are refunding that they are essentially canceling the order and returning the items to inventory. Occasionally we do refunds and let the person keep the wine but that is not the norm. Since so many of the suggested best practices to alter wine shipments is to refund and create a new order, perhaps we could make the return the default or just create another action item called return on the drop down menu that is a full return.
Hey @MarkCrapeau, I totally agree with you. We’ve talking about it internally before. Let me see where things are now.
I agree. And we would be using Cancel Order a lot less if there was a way to Refund All with a couple taps in POS and clicks in Admin.
@zach Thank you. As @ElJefe mentioned, the refund process needs to be more one click and work the way that void does where with one transaction, you cancel, refund, update ShipCompliant, etc. The best trail is actually the refund process where you can see the original order and and the new refund order but it is also the process that creates the most chance for errors if you do a refund rather than return, forget to go into ShipCompliant, etc.
@ElJefe @MarkCrapeau I’ve asked about it. We need to know that this is what clients want. I entreat you to fill out the old Feature Request. That’s the best way for us to quantify this need.
I’m filling mine out now.
Just entered a New Feature. Vin65, you might want to fix all the Feature Request links on the HOME page to point to your new documentation site…
Just curious if the return/refund will now refund the custom taxes or do we still have to use the cancel order?
It seems that’s been fixed, according to this bug fix report:
It would also be really nice if the actual receipt for a refund had anything on it that denoted this as a refund.
The system crapped out on us twice today and both times we needed to make our guests comfortable that their refund receipt was actually a refund and not another charge.
Seems pretty fundamental to me that a refund receipt shout at a minimum show the refund amount bracketed. It’s a standard I think
If you go into order manager and re-print the refund receipt, it will show the amount in (). Seems like a bug to me…
It often seems like everything in POS requires additional steps or a work-around to get things done correctly. Thanks!
If a guest is sent a refund receipt via email it will show as a refund with the amount in brackets. So this is what we will work to do in the future as it consumes less time.