Looking for a way to run reports on multiple club members that would would indicate which skus were the most prevalent in their order history (would like to have an “at a glance” way to learn customer preference, who prefers Pinot over Syrah, for example)…
Any thoughts?
Under list builder you can create a list with a certain sku and you can put how many bottles they purchased. For example you could build a list with everyone who has purchased more than 6 bottles the 2016 Syrah in the last 6 months.
Not sure that is what you are looking for, but it would tell you who purchases a certain sku the most.
I did fiddle with list builder but it doesn’t seem to have the capability of producing a list of all club members with, in descending order, their most purchased to least purchased skus (with $ value,as well, as long as we’re dreaming); it’s more of a one product at a time proposition…
Depending on how large your sales history is, you could get this information by running an Order Detail report and then pivoting the living hell out of it.
Has anyone managed to find or create a report that will show most purchased sku by club member?
Do you want the single most-purchased SKU or a list of SKUs in descending order?
I need to know single sku purchased most often by club member?
And thank you so much for reaching out to me, I so appreciate it!
I’m not familiar with a report (other than what’s in each individual contact), but you could accomplish this by frankensteining a few different reports together, if you’re interested.
Unfortunately, we don’t have any reports that would provide this information at this time. We would recommend submitting a Feature Request to our team for a way to extract this info here: https://documentation.vin65.com/News-Release/Request-a-Feature
Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the current limitations!
I am interested if you could give some information on those reports?
I think there’s a bunch of ways to do this, but one simpler one would be:
Run a Sales Detail report for your desired timeframe.
Pivot that sucker into something like this:
This should give you a big, possibly massive, table that sums up each customer’s purchases by SKU.
- Now all we have to do is look up the max value of each row and then return the header (which is the SKU) for that column. So in a cell at the end of each row, put in a formula like this:
You’ll have to specify your actual array range for this and don’t be intimidated by the length.
- If you need any help, just hit me up at ed@farmcollectivewine.com and I can walk you through it. I work for a winery, not some marketing group, so it’s just me trying to help a peer out.
I’m sure the Excel mavens on here have some other solutions.
Thank you! Will give it a try!