Repeat Purchase of a Particular SKU

I am trying to determine the best way of looking at if a particular SKU is being reordered by our Customers. What is the best way of doing that?

Lets say I want to look at “Wine X”. I use List Builder and can see who has purchased “Wine X”. I can also see who has purchased 3 bottles or more of “Wine X”.

But I really want to know if the customer as come back multiple times to purchase “Wine X”. I don’t really care if he/bought 3 bottles in one sitting, but really am more curious if there is a demand for that product.

You could do Sales Detail X on the SKU, then do a pivot to count the number of different orders for each customer.

yea but then I would have to look at that customers orders to determine what was on it right?

In Sales Detail X you can specify the SKU and only see that SKU. You said you were interested in the number of times they bought Wine X.

ok will give that a shot.