Sales Detail X Fields

I’m trying to do some end-of-year analysis and I’m having some challenges with Sales Detail X. I’m reading the documentation:

But the fields in the actual CSV file don’t match. For example, there are no “Tip” or “Total after Tips” fields. This was actually one of the main things I wanted to look at. Any idea why the items listed in the documentation aren’t in the report?

The “Tip” and “Total after Tips” are in the plain-old Sales Detail report.

Oversight, but you could merge those into Sales Detail X if you need that X-specific data.

Since we’re celebrating X…

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So you’re right, the Sales Detail report does contain the tip, HOWEVER, the way it’s included prevents it from being useful for analysis. The tip amount is repeated for every item in an order so even a simple summary comes out extremely wrong. I’m not clear why anyone would design a report this way.

As long as we are posting videos:

But seriously, maybe the Sales by Date is what you really want? Are you really trying to correlate SKUs with tips?

Not SKUs, orders, which is the challenge. I want to see some trends with tipping over time but only against entire orders, not individual SKUs.

Well, you could run your Sales Detail X and Sales Detail and then INDEX/VLOOKUP the data you need into the other. Not ideal, but it’ll work until Vin65 fixes it (which will be never).

In that case, like our man @ElJefe suggests, run with Sales by Date. It’s got that tip stuff.

Sales Detail X is when you need everything broken out by SKU. If your granularity can be orders and you don’t care what they bought, go with Sales by Date and save yourself much trouble.

Yup, that’s the one I need. I still say I wish there was a single page with a big table that has all the data elements on the left-hand side and all the reports along the top, and little X’s marking which reports have which data elements.


The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming.