Sending email to club members

I need to get an email out tonight to club members. I thought I knew how to do this, but the only groups that show in my drop down list are the “contact types”. And the only way I know to add someone to a contact groups is adding them one by one.

I have read ways to add club members in the documentation, but my software doesn’t have any of those pages that I see in the instructions.

Can someone direct me how to do this?

This page is your friend:

Use the Club Options thoughtfully.

You can also email members from club processing:

Thanks, I think that I looked at all those pages. The options on the list builder just were not showing up.

OK, now I am seeing a pattern. Some of my contact lists have “*” beside them and some don’t. Those with a " * " don’t show me options, nor is there a delete button at the end of the page.

But the ones without an " * " do show options, and I can also delete them.

What does the " * " at the end of the name in the list of them all mean?

Thank you for your help.

The * indicates a list based on Contact Type.

I think that I figured it out. The ones with " * " are the ones created with contact types, but I can create a list in list builder for a particular club without creating a contact type. Those do not have " * " by them.

Thank you for your help. Panic was just setting in since I need to get these off tonight.

Thank you, that is the right answer.

I have encountered this same problem and in doing so found that people who should be in a * contact type, were not. Is there a way to bulk add a contact type?

“Place into Contact Type” - scroll down a little: