We use a set shipping table for our shipping rates and have been having errors with the prices changing. For example the shipping table has $55 for ground shipping to zone for cases. Vin65 POS changed it to $77 and $80 for ground. Since we have a set shipping table, not pulling in real-time rates, why is this happening?
What state is that order being shipped to? I can take a look at your shipping rates for that state/zone to see what might be happening.
It’s happened multiple times: Minnesota, Illinois, Florida, New York, etc.
@JeriM - Vin65 does not offer a real-time shipping rate tool, so it’s only the set rates from the shipping table(s) that would populate this price. Can you provide more details? (i.e. for Florida, what SKUs are in the order when you get to the shipping screen. What do you think the shipping rates should be? What are the shipping rates showing up as?)
For your item Shared Comp Tasting did you make sure to check “Bypass Compliance/Fulfillment” in the General product section and “No Shipping Charge” in the SKU section of the item? If not, I’m guessing the POS thinks it’s a shippable item and is adding that additional cost to the order.
That’s for the suggestion on the Shared Comp Tasting! I’ll change those things and see what happens over the next week.