Show Requested Ship Date on Website not working on mobile

Has anyone gotten “requested ship date” to work on mobile versions of a site?

The website settings is missing this section under “mobile”, and when I turn it on in “store” it is only turning it on for the desktop version. I would like to implement this on a few non-responsive sites and just wondering if I’m missing something or maybe it just plain isn’t going to be able to be put on the mobile versions without self-programming it in.

Also, tip to Vin65: The base CSS is not designing these very well at all out of the box. Just in case you work to improve future rollouts of new sites, it would be good to get this working better out of the box.

Just adding to the design comment. AT LEAST, add something like this: .ui-datepicker{ z-index: 9999 !important;}. Without the z-index it is literally unclickable when it overlays itself on the rest of the checkout fields.