Thinking about Importing Former Members

So I am am thinking of creating an import file of former members using data from our old, antique CMS and doing a Club Member Import.

I’ve put a lot of work into our club and have seen good growth. Sometime before the recession hit 10 years ago before my tenure here and our numbers dropped, legend has it that my winery had more club members than it does even now. I really want to know just how true that is and what the number is to beat. I have all of the data that I would need to do this, though it’s messy. I do have the start and end dates of old club memberships. Here is my plan:

  1. Dive into old database and get an excel of old members, including start and end dates. (done)
  2. Remove Current Members from the old data to avoid any duplication
  3. Create a new Club called “Old Club Memberships” that serves no function other than to show them has having been active members for X period.
  4. Create a Club Member Import from this data and import.
  5. Use my new data for reports to see how the membership has changed over time

Does anybody want to talk me out of this?