This weeks POS issues

Is there some way to generate a report of Club Members and Guest who have “Wine to be picked up flags” on their records?

How can we de-couple our Promos from generating a “Pick up” flag?

Why does POS automatically populate the fields “username” and “password” with the name of whichever sales associate is filling out a new contact form?

Why, when we print out our Daily Activity report, are we unable to see the correct format when we select our HP Printer? What we are getting now is the formatting for our receipt printer. And it takes an additional seven steps to work around this?

Why do customers still get billed after we have “refunded” an incorrect order?

Why do refund receipts not adhere to generally accepted account principles and show a refund amount withing brackets such as this <$65.00>?

How is a customer supposed to be comfortable that a refund receipt generated by POS is really a refund?

Why does it take six clicks to print a receipt?

Is “free phone support” now a thing of the past? Have I missed something?

This was happening to me, and I tracked it down to a password manager running in the background.

Interesting. I’ll check this but I don’t believe we use any password managers and have blocked this in Google.

Lots of ways to do this. But you could make a memorized Sales by Date report and only select Order Type: ClubOrder and Shipping: Not Picked Up

Elaborate here. We don’t all use the same nomenclature.

iPad or Desktop/Chrome? As mentioned, my money is on a password manager like Lastpass or the one built into Chrome, if your associates are logging in to their accounts on the browser.

[quote=“jimd, post:1, topic:1038, full:true”]
Why, when we print out our Daily Activity report, are we unable to see the correct format when we select our HP Printer? What we are getting now is the formatting for our receipt printer. And it takes an additional seven steps to work around this?[/quote]

What are you printing from? iOS or a Desktop/laptop? If the latter, Chrome is configured to print a specific size and format designed for receipts. If you’re just using the HP printer, you may want to change that. If you are in fact printing traditional receipts, perhaps you run the Daily Activity Report on another computer.

You sort of just have to set and don’t touch the receipt printing functions from a desktop. That’s not really a Vin65 issue.

Because when you originally incorrectly charged them, it created a debit authorization with their bank. Now, you can void that transaction before it settles, but if you wait too long or choose to refund them instead, it is instead going to create a credit authorization with their bank…which will settle in 2-3 business days typically.

[quote=“jimd, post:1, topic:1038, full:true”]
Why do refund receipts not adhere to generally accepted account principles and show a refund amount withing brackets such as this <$65.00>?[/quote]

There are GAAP rules about receipt refund brackets?

A glass of premium red wine?

Describe your workflow.


I will say, as much as we love hearing @sean’s deep, jazzy baritones over the old telephone, we’ve found their new chat feature to be infinitely more usable and responsive. They can even send you photos through it.


Every time we ring in something from Admin Panel that does not ship such as “pours”, “trade”, “spoilage” etc., our naming conventions for writing out wines, Vin65 generates a “to be picked up” flag

Desktop/Chrome. Chrome password manage has always been turned off

[quote=“EdFarmCollective, post:4, topic:1038”]
Why, when we print out our Daily Activity report, are we unable to see the correct format when we select our HP Printer? What we are getting now is the formatting for our receipt printer. And it takes an additional seven steps to work around this?

What are you printing from? iOS or a Desktop/laptop? If the latter, Chrome is configured to print a specific size and format designed for receipts. If you’re just using the HP printer, you may want to change that. If you are in fact printing traditional receipts, perhaps you run the Daily Activity Report on another computer.

You sort of just have to set and don’t touch the receipt printing functions from a desktop. That’s not really a Vin65 issue.

This was reported to me by a co-worker. First thing I took a look at when I came in this week was our Microsoft update history. (I’m a lapsed MCSE) Sure enough an update had been pushed through the day this started happening. A system restore fixed it.

[quote=“EdFarmCollective, post:4, topic:1038”]
Why do customers still get billed after we have “refunded” an incorrect order?

Because when you originally incorrectly charged them, it created a debit authorization with their bank. Now, you can void that transaction before it settles, but if you wait too long or choose to refund them instead, it is instead going to create a credit authorization with their bank…which will settle in 2-3 business days typically.

Neither is applicable in this instance. It was voided within five minutes.

Why do refund receipts not adhere to generally accepted account principles and show a refund amount withing brackets such as this <$65.00>?

There are GAAP rules about receipt refund brackets?

Cute answer! Ever take an accounting class?

So it’s not a GAAP matter. However most POS systems have a means of denoting a refund or credit on a receipt.

[quote=“EdFarmCollective, post:4, topic:1038”]
Why does it take six clicks to print a receipt?
Describe your workflow.

Swipe card

Signature required (PC Desktop)
Click on X
"No Thanks " to email receipt?
Print receipt

Forgive me…Six steps to actual print.

I know I know…better on iPad and we’re moving that direction.

Settings > POS Profile > [whatever your POS profile is called] > Change Pickup Orders to “Auto Mark Orders As Picked Up”

Take a screenshot or video.

Ok, but their cards were still authorized from the original transaction. If you indeed are voiding them correctly, the authorization will never settle and actually remove funds from their account. Perhaps look in your merchant gateway for more details.

[quote=“jimd, post:5, topic:1038”]Cute answer! Ever take an accounting class?

So it’s not a GAAP matter. However most POS systems have a means of denoting a refund or credit on a receipt.[/quote]

Ours have parentheses around them like ($60.00). Do yours not? Seems pretty standard.

I’ll follow up on the next time I’m in the TR,

If ours had this then I’d not have brought it up. But they do appear on receipts that are emailed so I’m asking folks to email them whenever possible.

@jimd - As of this morning the refund receipts should now display parentheses, as part of our POS enchancements update.

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Any other fun changes? E.g. tip options? :wink:

I take it beta people should switch back their URL setting now? Remind me of the link?

Hey @ElJefe, those branches are the same at the moment (Beta and Production) but I’ll be contacting Beta people soon to invite them to stay for the next round of changes. Some of those changes may include changes to things like the tip screen. :wink:

For the record, the regular URL is in the doc I sent, it will revert itself if you delete and reinstall the app, but it’s also:


Thank you Sean!