Those credit card swipers

I was ordering some more on Amazon, and for the first time I was offered a service contract.

According to everything I read about it, they will repair them for the next 4 years. Considering these thing normally don’t last a year… I had to give it try.

Will report back when the time comes. If you want to try too:


Now that’s a deal. I’m going to be cheap and go for the 3 years for $1.98. However, I have had mine (same ones as linked) for 2 years now with no trouble.

Do those require special programing or do you just order those from Amazon, and they work with Vin65 software?

The ones in the link shouldn’t have any issues working with Vin65 if they are confirmed to be unencrypted. I think these aren’t encrypted because Amazon sellers apparently can’t add encryption keys to the swipers, only manufacturers can. So hopefully they are unencrypted.

Right, I would post a link to swipers that don’t work :wink:

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