Customer Credits is a great way for you to keep track of credit balances for your customers. Learn about how our Customer Credits tool works and scenarios where they may be useful in this week’s webinar!
For any questions, comments or feedback regarding this topic, please post them on this thread and we will be happy to address them.
Wait. I just found Credit Products. Now I am excited again!
(I was on the verge of creating a whole set of negative priced products to imperfectly deal with the “user choice for pickups in the tasting room” problem. Whew.)
No POS. Does that mean you can’t apply someone’s store credit to their order through the POS? Or does it mean you can’t issue credit to a customer in the POS? Or all of the above?
Hi all - sorry about the POS limitations. The Credits Tool is still in its early phases and we appreciate the feedback. Our product team reviews all your feature request and allocates development resources accordingly.
Of course, POS functionality is something we are interested in adding but for now, Credits should still provide you with some value in the certain scenarios I mentioned in the video and likely some others.