Right now, in the email documents view, they are listed by subject. This is also how they get attached to “action email setup” when it asks which document to use.
I find myself wishing there were an “Email Name” and then “Subject”, and that “Email Name” were what A) they were filed under and B) they were listed as in the Action email setup, testing email, send mass email, etc.
The reason? I might have two versions of an email that I want to test something other than a different subject, and it becomes hard to tell which is which when all you’re listing them by is the subject.
Another example is let’s say I am making a new version of an email, and the subject is not changing. As I test and make the new one, I basically either have to give it a different subject, or I am going to have to send a test email of each one to be sure the right one with that subject is going to get to me.
I agree with you, a user defined tag would help a lot towards organizing things. My workarounds are as follows:
If I need more than one version of the same basic email live at the same time - eg one version goes to pickup club the other to ship - I vary the punctuation, like:
Wine Club - Check this out!
Wine Club – Check this out!
If I need more than 2 variations (rarely, like if I need to direct it to each club option) I’ll just add a couple characters at the end of the subject that mean something to me but look like a boo boo to anyone else.
Once an email is done and I don’t need to see it anymore, I will edit the subject and add “zz” to the front of it, which has the effect of forcing it to the end of all lists.