Why do tasting fees have weights assigned to them?

We use the Easy Ship UPS shipping function within Vin 65. When a shipping order is processed at the POS and includes tasting fees, a label can’t be generated because our fees don’t have weights associated with them. Have I set something up incorrectly? Thanks!

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We found that it is best to process two transactions in this situation. One for the onsite tasting fee, and then a separate ship order with no tasting fees on the invoice. While it’s annoying to do double entry, it is best practice for calculating taxes by the ship destination.


We keep UPS World Ship around for situations like this and shipping non-alcohol merchandise.

So no, you’re not doing something wrong, you’ve run into limitations of the system.

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Thanks, I was hoping for a different answer but we do still have World Ship and we could ring other things up separately.

I have a different answer! There is an option on the product page called “Bypass Compliance/Fulfillment”. You still need the weight but it is a formality and doesn’t matter. Once you click the bypass it will not be used to calculate for tax and shipping. You can override the tax rate for your local tax on the product as well. It will still print the tasting on the packing slip (already reported as a bug to VIn65) but it will make it so you can process one transaction and use EasyShip. email me if you have other questions. simon@misuenowinery.com


Okay really? That’s cool! I already have bypass compliance checked but I just need to put a dummy weight in there! I’ll try this. Thanks!