Wine Direct Migration - Credit Card Question

We are migrating from our former software to Wine Direct. How do people typically handle importing contact information, including credit cards, when the old software encrypts the numbers and only provides the last 4 digits?

Your current software likely stores the full credit card number, but it’ll be hashed/salted for security. Typically, you can contact them and ask for the full data, which they will provide or transfer in a secure manner.

Who are you switching from?

The software is called Active Club Solutions. Familiar?

Have you tried contacting them yet?

The company we previously used (secure pay) would not give us the encrypted data apparently goes against compliance…

So i used the club importer info and in the credit card section added dummy card with a dummy number and had to ask all our members to log in and update it, was a painful process! most did it though and only lost a few who i doubt would have continued with orders anyway. We had 400 club members!

Hoping your company may be better with regards to the data. :slight_smile:

We did the same. We offered a free glass of wine for the club member while they waited as we updated their card. We have a monthly club as well as a traditional two shipments a year club. For our monthly club, we had a really great deal to encourage the club member to not drop, but update their cards. For our traditional shipments we offered wine that was sold out.

One problem that you will need to keep in mind though is that sometime on the web or in the tasting room a credit card will be “added”, but it will not be considered the primary card for the club. That can be a real pain for the club member to think that their card is updated, but they still get a declined card the next shipment.

We should have gone into the administration panel everytime a credit card was updated. After a month when we realized what was happening, we printed an Excel sheet with club members and their card numbers (the last four numbers). We had to check the club membership, change primary credit card to the one that looked real. Then go to payment methods and delete the dummy card which ended with 1234.

All I can say is that is was worth it to be working with software that does as much as Wine Direct does as well as great customer service. Whether it really is a problem with the software, or it is just me that has forgetten how things work. :slight_smile:

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This x100. Same for addresses. I wish WineDirect would come up with a clearer interface for this.

I ended up adding a LOT of extra content to my profile pages to direct customer how to make sure they update the card the way they want. Basically when they land on the Edit Profile page after login there are big words first thing telling them how in detail to update the CC.

This definitely improved the situation but it’s pretty TL;DR and some still squeak through.

I wish there was a magic hot link that took them to a landing page where they log in, a modal box pops up asking for a new credit card and it has two check-boxes there: make primary card and use for subscription(s).

Bonus points for option to automatically charge pending order.


Hi all - we’ve migrated data from over 22 different vendors and have a process to get credit cards in almost all of them. In almost all cases, the platform does not store the card - only the token. The gateway will have the card, but not the customer information (this is for security).

In Active Club’s case you do have to go to the payment gateway. Usually we can call the gateway and sign some papers and get an export of the cc’s and tokens. And then we match the tokens back to the vendor export to upload.

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