Accurate Club Member Count

Any one else experience a variance between the # of club members on their Club Stats dashboard and the number pulled from the club member reports? Our dashboard seems to be so inconsistent that we are unsure of which number is correct.

Probably your best chance at an accurate count - don’t forget the qualification date - is club processing. Or it better be.

We have found a lot of inconsistencies with reporting the # of members. Like ElJefe says, we now just focus on orders processed/club processing to get our most accurate counts.

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Winedirect is aware of this problem. I do not know who to tag…uhmmm…

@corinna - can you show Jose/Tyler/Josh this post?

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I suspect that what is going on is that the underlying assumptions vary between the various places you get this answer. One spot may assume qual date, another may assume you want “today”, etc.

@shh – I’ve shared this with @jose and we are actively investigating this discrepancy. We hope to have a more substantive update shortly.

(PS Corinna is on maternity leave, you can tag me instead going forward :slight_smile:)

Again?!? :smiley:


:baby_bottle: Yes! She is due any day :baby:


@shh from what I’ve been looking into, the dashboard might need to be looked at, I have checked in different ways and have passed this to development to dig deeper. It appears that the accurate count should be the reports “Members on X date” in the dashboard I noticed that if you go to the filters, the name of the clubs don’t seem to fully match what you have at the moment. Will keep you updated on this.