Is it still the case that the only Vin65-supported EMV chip/credit card reader is the PAXS80 listed on the documentation site? Or is there a smaller more portable solution available now like the Magtek eDynamo?
The other one is the PAX S300. Please contact Jeff at Change Merchant Solutions for units that may be coming up in the future. Thanks!
Change Merchant Solutions
Jeffrey Cole
Phone: 818.346.9888
We have the PAX S300s. They’re definitely smaller, but still need to be wired in. EMV is off by default.
Definitely voting for the eDynamo! Forget these huge clunky things, they don’t work in a tasting room run solely on tablets.
How have you handled refunds for the emv machine?
So for Chip and EMV transactions, no account information every touches Vin65. It goes from the terminal to the merchant processor and when that transaction is good, it gives the thumbs up to Vin65. As you know, refunding from the terminal then requires you to physically have the chip card or EMV device to transact a refund. So the short of it is to not screw up or fix the order when the customer is still present.
Now, if that’s not an option, you can sometimes initiate a refund directly through your merchant processor’s portal or by calling them (depending on who you use). I also believe there is in fact a way to issue a refund from the terminal device using the account number, but it’s not pretty.
Or you can continue to use the magstripe while you can. A lot of businesses in the US have weighed the potential liability penalty against convenience and chosen the latter.
So for those transactions we don’t get basic card info like last 4 and expiry into the Order record? Sometimes having those are the only way I can locate an order (usually a last resort).
I believe the Payment Type just comes over as “Terminal.” And that’s it. Perhaps our main man @Karson can confirm?
Yes…this is accurate. @tpowell - are the PAX S300 different the the PAXS80’s on how they come across the payment gateway?
We need a mobile EMV & Swiper machine that connects wifi and also allows us to do post 1 day refunds that go through our processor/gateway (usaepay admin panel). Time on this @Brent?
Also, what is the product number for the Magteks? It says you will need to provide this when ordering, but it isn’t listed?
Hey gang. I cannot recall if I mentioned the MagTek cDynamo on this forum or if it was the old FB group - This is a cool version - and it will have the EMV in September.
And probably only cost two times the price of an iPad!
Yeah. About the price of iPad 2. $285. But is it cool to look at )
Actually, if you get them from Jeff Cole, they are cheaper. They are buying them in bulk so that we can get a discounted price. We bought them. Will let you know how they work once we’re using them daily. We’re not live yet, just getting started.
That is all we see. Even the time stamp is no longer there.
Elizabeth - i just ordered an iDynamo but wanted to ask how the cDynamo is working for you guys??? Oh, does it support EMV built in?
The cDynamo seems to be working well. It does not have EMV built in, in that you can’t run a chip card other than the swipe method. Hopefully there will be a model coming soon where that is an option.