I’m playing around with the new user choice club feature, which looks great but am having trouble with pricing/discounting.
We are debuting a new club which has a merch item included in each shipment. That merch item is not discounted, but the wines included are. I’ve set the promo code up a few different ways - to included specific wines, to exclude specific wines, and to apply only to a specific department - yet no matter how I set it up, the discount keeps applying to the merch item.
Am I overlooking something? Is it possible for the selected promo to apply to specific items in the selection while the other products are charged at full retail? Or does the promo code have to apply to all items in the selection?
Many thanks. -E
I believe those User Choice discounts apply ubiquitously. A hack would be to nest your merch products inside of a bundle and then price the bundle so that after the discount, it’s the price you want it to be.
Hi @eric1, thank you for the note! We are adding the ability to exclude products to the new improvements. That will be out next week, so look for the announcement.
You were correct in your initial findings with the promo. All those abilities do work for the using the promo during checkout. However for User Choice, the promo is only being used to identify the % discount to apply to all the products added to the season. We did this in order to get the feature out and affect the most wineries, that do not have many exceptions.
The ask to exclude products was the biggest feedback we received during our trials so we started working on it.
Amazing, thank you, @Nelson for being so swift to the requests.
@EdFarmCollective, thanks for the insight.
Hello -
We recently joined with Wine Direct and had many issues with promos for merch and wines within the ordering from our website store. I guess this is still being worked on?
Hi @karenm - thanks for your note! To follow up from Nelson’s previous comment, the ability to exclude products from discounts in User Choice Clubs is available. You can read more about User Choice setup here. For further assistance with promotions, please check your email for some information I sent your way!
If you are still experiencing issues with promos, I encourage you to email support@winedirect.com and our team can assist. Thanks!
Thanks for the reply. The original posted thread seemed to have numerous suggestions of what they were trying to do to get the outcome desired so I was not exactly inquiring about the exclusion of products from within the user choice clubs. We offer many discounts (well we did from our previous platform) within our user choice clubs. Our wine club members have been accustomed to ordering as many bottles of wine as they like and the correct discount would apply to their order but with the Wine Direct software you can only apply on discount level and it can not couple with any other.
We also had many issues with multiple discounts not applying to merch and wine sales from our online store purchases. Just hoping the discounts and promos get some attention to better serve our guests and members.