Price Levels for Event Tickets

We’re trying to create the following price structure for tickets:
Club members get 4 compd tickets, each additional is 50% off (or $10)
Non-members can buy tickets for $20.

How do we set up a promo (or multiple) promos for this kind of scheme, seems like we can’t be the only ones to do something like this?!

Set up the ticket price as $20 and then for club members use coupon to provide 100% discount on 4 tickets max. As for the 5+ tickets at 50% off, I think it will be difficult if these are not purchased at the same time, as not sure how you can create a second coupon to combine a discount as it will not know how many have been purchased so far.

We had a longer thread about this in the Wine DTC Geeks Facebook group. I’ll see if we can get it copied over somehow.

Screen shot is your friend @ElJefe . Here is what I see there:

09 PM
26 PM
39 PM

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Show off :wink:

I know that Cmd + Shift + F4 is good looking.

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