Pick up at winery: message/email/carrot to those who choose it?

I’d like to provide a message to online customers who choose “pick up at winery”, either by system emails or a carrot, to advise them they will be contacted when their order is ready for pick up. Is this possible? I’ve looked at action emails, and the choice doesn’t get specific enough beyond “new order”.

Is there a way to target the “pick up at winery” customers so they get the message? Thanks. Documentation isn’t helping.

I put that into the catch-all order confirmation:

If this is a pickup order…

If this is an event ticket…

If this is…

You will want to use our List Builder tool to create a list of all your Pickup Club Members and send the email to this list using Send Mass Email. Here is how: http://recordit.co/SmLS5B1zEx