Two Promos at the Same Time on One Order

Hi Folks,

I’m trying to institute a promo that takes a dollar amount off of an event ticket for active club members. I also have a club member promo that takes a % off all wines purchased. When logged in to the online store as a club member, I see I can purchase an event ticket with the correct dollar amount taken off, and I can also buy a wine with the correct % off, but I cannot do these at the same time. That is, as soon as I add a wine to my event ticket purchase (or vice versa) the wine price reverts to regular retail, as though the event ticket promo takes precedence. Can anyone help me figure out how to apply these two promos simultaneously?


Are the promos coupled?

They are indeed, yet it still doesn’t work. Is there something else I’m missing?

Good question. My ticket promo is $ off, based on the specific ticket products, and on club level.

My wine promo is % off and is by Department (Wine) and club level.

Both are coupled together, along with all of my other club promos.

I’ll tell you what I’d do, man… two promos at the same time.

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