See promo code benefit before logging in?

I’m trying to set up a promo for a specific contact type. These people have never logged on to my site, but they are on our mailing list. If they try to order and use the promo code we give them before they log in, they get a message that the code isn’t valid. So–do I have to give everyone a password and then explain the whole process in my email? Or am I missing something? I’d appreciate your insights!

Set up the promo to only require a promo code and not the contact type. Don’t give it to anyone that you don’t want to have it. A few might share it, but if you’re rallying to have new purchasers, that’s not such a bad thing usually.

I’ve encountered this as well and my understanding is it impacts anyone who applies a promo code which involves shipping discount without logging into their account. When I do a promo of this kind I include a note at the bottom of the promotion email “Please note you must log into your eDirect Wines account to apply the coupon” which seems to help.

I’ve also logged a feature request to ask that they change the language from invalid to something more directional like “this discount requires you to log into your account to apply.”

Good luck

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You might be able to change the text in the Resource Bundle. Search on a fragment of the current invalid message to see if it is there. I’d say something like:

“Please note you may need to log into your eDirect Wines account to apply this coupon.”