Self Fulfillment using UPS

What are other people using when they are doing self fulfillment and UPS for their orders? There currently isn’t an export setup that can be imported with UPS only FedEx.

Are you using ShipCompliant?

No, self fulfilling! I think we will see if they can use ShipCompliant Lite though. Might be the only option. Or could look into making a custom report for UPS.

If you use ShipCompliant you have access to something UPS calls CrossWare, which pulls individual orders and club batches directly into WorldShip. Talk to your SC support about that.

If not - or you don’t want to do that - for order batches before I had CrossWare I spit out a sales report, probably sales by date. Then you can bring it into WorldShip through a very arcane and non obvious series of steps by mapping fields from the excel into WS. You pretty much need to spend an hour on the phone with UPS support to learn how to do that. Good luck.

Thanks for the response Jeff!

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We used to do the same thing as what @ElJefe describes. I can’t caution enough against this as the process is involved and error prone, which means it is next to impossible to train staff on. The Crossware option via Ship Compliant is way better - though still not amazing. The best plan is the Vin65 shipping tool and it saved us a bunch on our shipping costs - more then covered the cost to go to Vin65+.


edit: I just realized this had been answered above.

While there isn’t an export feature, our local UPS tech rep set up an import map in the UPS Worldship program that allows me to import a Sales Detail sheet into UPS Worldship and generate labels automatically for whichever ship date I want, as each relevant column in the file is linked to a UPS shipping field. This could be done via remote computing with a UPS technician. If done right, they will create a ‘template’ file that works. As Sales Detail report has changed somewhat, I’ve have to edit the spreadsheet a little to ‘prepare’ it for importing, but it works. I can explain more if needed on what we do on our side for this file, just message me.


What mark said is what I was talking about - import map is the term.