Is there a way to create a shopping cart that is either unbranded or has our subsidiary company name instead of the parent company name?
Ideally, we’d like to still run everything under one site/program as our inventory is all held together and we’d like to keep it under one tracking system.
It looks like you’re using our new checkout tools so if you are simply wanting to change the checkout branding you can do so under Settings > Website Editor > Checkout Design. Here you have the option of updating the logo and colors to match your parent company.
If you are looking for multiple websites that all go through a single checkout experience, you’ll want an enterprise account as Ed mentioned.
We have an enterprise account and I’ll warn you that there are a lot of downsides to enterprise accounts. Just off the top of my head: WebServices currently don’t work right for product information should you use third-party integrations. ShipCompliant product sync doesn’t work. You have to assign products from your parent site to the child sites and then manage them within categories on the child site. Some of the drag-and-drop re-arrangement features are not available.
All in all, it’s a worse experience other than offering the ability to deploy products to multiple sites and manage things like shipping tables at a master level.