I’ve been getting “Shipment Exception” notifications in my dashboard. Most often they are in regards to a Voided Label I created. For example, I create a label for a customer and then the customer changes their mind or wants to add to their order. I then void the label, sometimes directly through the UPS website other times via WineDirect. Our shipping is integrated with WineDirect.
The problem I’m having is that a month later, WineDirect sends the customer an auto-email: “There’s an Issue With Your Shipment”. The customer opens the email which states that a voided label has been created for them. This happens with orders I manually void, but it also happens with labels that I never voided so they can be in regards to some pretty old orders.
The problem: Typically this confuses the customer since it references to at least a month old order. It makes them think they have been doubly charged or that they will receive a duplicate shipment. Has any one had this problem? Is their an easy solution to turn off auto-emails for voided labels specifically? Thanks for your time!