X Report, Z Report, ZZ Reports...End Of Day

I agree completely with megbbridge’s comments above. That is exactly what we would need as well.

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I agree with megbbridge as well.

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Ditto full agreement.

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Me as well. Thank you.

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Mostly agreed with megbbridge, however, for point number 2, I would like to know that an order was refunded but not have it impact the reporting. i.e. if there could be a second page in the report to reflect that scenario, I would like to be able to follow-up and look into why this refund was processed, and for use with potential sales training if it becomes a repeat issue.

Agree with Gordon. End of day report should show all transactions, by the channel in which it was transacted.

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Or in Vin65’s terminology, the Order Type by which it was transacted.

I agree with Megbbridge. Essentially the point of an end-of-the-day report is that it reflects what SHOULD be in the till (this is theoretically assuming cash-based transactions for conceptual purposes).

  1. Yes, I would want the refund to show on the POS end of day report. (Money came out of the till = refund reported)

  2. No, I would not want the refund to show on the POS end of day if it is not done in POS (no money came out of the till = not reported); No one should be refunding in the admin panel and taking out of the POS (though I can’t say it wouldn’t happen).

  3. Yes I would want the refund to show. (money came out of the till = refund reported)

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I agree with gordon.

we get any update on this? @SarahBarwin

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Last post: August 31st

Your clients need you! C’mon!

Did this report come about? Being rather new, I am still stumbling around the reports myself trying to find what we need in simpler forms

Hi - reviving this thread to ask if this feature is en route?

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